Save up to 50 % on installation and service with the DN 650 connection Plates Heat Exchangers!
The trend towards the utilization of flow rates more and more relevant in megaprojects (petrochemicals, energy, etc.), using sea water as cooling fluid, are forcing manufacturers of plates heat exchangers to increase the diameter of the connections in order to be able to use less units in parallel with the saving of costs relating to components such as pipes, filters, valves, pumps that have to be installed ..
Owing to plant size becoming bigger and bigger, there are more and more inquiries for this huge heat exchanger with DN 650 nozzle that Sondex introduced at ACHEMA in Franfkurt this year.
Discussing with EPC Contractors different projects all over the world, it seems rather common to quote 6 PHE's in parallel + 1 in stand-by in alternative to 10 PHE's + 1 in stand-by quoted by other PHE Manufacturers with DN 500 connections.
Savings on PHE's were significant, but huge amount of money was saved due to reduced piping, valves. filters etc. required
Personally in the last 10 years I was involved with two different PHE's Manufacturers in "Jumbo plate DN 500 connections" development project.
My role representing sales voice was to estimate sales volume of new plate to justify Capex investement and I always pushed in this direction...
Now with large projects in progress I am supporting DN 650 connection plate, because next future will require this new Plate Heat Exchanger...
Next time you have to design a Central Cooling System with huge flow rate of sea water and Titanium Coolers required, try to get holistic approach: consider whole plant with global cost saving up to 50% using DN 650 connection PHE...
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