Process Flow Schemes Compilation 3

Process Flow Scheme showing a Hydrotreating Process Unit after a Revamp to include the IsoTherming(TM) technology, licensed by Dupont Company to produce Ultra-Low-Sulfur transportation fuels through a liquid phase recycle stream hydrotreating route... Source: Dupont Commercial Marketing Material, available at:

Process Flow Scheme for the RECTISOL(TM) Technology Licensed by Linde Company to remove acid gases from natural or syngas gases streams... Source: Linde Company Website, available at:

Process Flow Scheme for the DIMERSOL (TM) Process Commercialized by Axens Company to Produce Transportation Fuels and Petrochemical Intermediates through Light Olefins Oligomerization... Source: A. Forestière, H. Olivier-Bourbigou; L. Saussine - Oligomerization of Monoolefins by Homogeneous Catalysts - Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, Vol. 64 (2009), No. 6, pp. 649-667. Available at: For an Introduction to Light Olefins Dimerization Technologies, see the link:

Simplified Process Scheme for the GT-BTX Plus (TM) Technology developed by GTC Technology Company to Recovery Aromatics Compounds from Fluid Catalytic Cracking Naphtha combining Extractive Distillation and Hydrotreating Processes. Source: Technical and Commercial Marketing Material of GTC Technology Company, available at:

by Dr.Marcio Da Silva
Process Engineer and Project Manager at Petrobras
