The most green and productive evaporator: Apollo the falling film M.V.R. (Mechanical Vapour Recompression) evaporator
Renowned for its excellent reliability and gentleness in product treatment, the falling film M.V.R. (Mechanical Vapour Recompression) evaporator today lives a second childhood in the Rossi & Catelli Apollo evaporator line: its exceptional energy-saving level has never been achieved by other applications; this implies a striking reduction of running costs, as well as a considerable quality improvement. The Apollo evaporator can concentrate 100 t/h of infeed product, extracting 45 t/h of evaporated water. The product thus obtained may be used as it is, or concentrated until obtaining the wished residue, by means of traditional multi-effect forced circulation plants. Thanks to the minimum holding times ( a few minutes) as well as the very reduced difference in temperature between the condensed vapours on the exchanger's shell and the product inside the tubes (4-6°C), the product's thermal damaging is practically null. The output concentrate is of a very high quality level from an organoleptic viewpoint and features a colour that can hardly be got with other concentration technologies.
Due to its special characteristics, the Apollo evaporator today represents the best technology to develop a first-rate concentration process with a high energy recovery of heat-sensitive products - both fibrous and clear.
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